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Opn1mw antibody, 中波敏感视蛋白1抗体

编 号 PR-8257
产品名称 Opn1mw antibody, 中波敏感视蛋白1抗体
规 格 0.2ml
价 格 1980元
品 牌 Hopebiot

详细信息: 说明书下载

Background:   G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which are characterized by containing seven transmembrane å helices, elicit G protein-mediated signaling cascades in response to a variety of stimuli. The opsin subfamily, which represents approximately 90 percent of all GPCRs, is comprised of photoreceptors that are activated by light. It includes the red, green and blue-sensitive opsins and rhodopsin. The opsin subfamily consists of an apoprotein covalently linked to 11-cis-retinal, which undergoes isomerization upon the absorption of photons. This isomerization leads to a conformational change of the protein, which results in the activation of hundreds of G proteins. Color is perceived in humans by three pigments, which localize to retinal cone photoreceptor cells. They are the blue-, green- and red-sensitive opsins, which are encoded by OPN1SW, OPN1MW and OPN1LW, respectively. Mutations in the OPN1MW and OPN1LW encoded opsins lead to the X-linked disorders protanopia and deuteranopia, respectively. Mutations in the OPN1SW encoded opsin leads to tritanopia, an autosomal dominant disorder, which is characterized by decreased sensitivity to blue light.

Description: Rabbit polyclonal to Opn1mw

Immunogen: KLH conjugated synthetic peptide derived from Opn1mw

Specificity:  ·Reacts with Human, Mouse and Rat.

.·Isotype: IgG

Application:  ·Western blotting: 1/100-500. Predicted Mol wt: 40 kDa;

·Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin/frozen tissue section): 1/50-200;

·Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: 1/100;

·Immunoprecipitation: 1/50;

·ELISA: 1/500;

·Optimal working dilutions must be determined by the end user.


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