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作者:江苏镇江厚普生物科技有限公司  来源:本站  发表时间:[2015-10-28]  点击:1895

Myosin II is the so called "classical" myosin, being the first type of myosin to be discovered. Myosin II forms bipolar filaments that interact with actin filaments to produce contraction. Myosin II was first isolated from muscle but is also found in non muscle cells, and it is especially enriched in highly motile cell types such as amoebae. The myosin II molecule is composed of two heavy chains and two sets of light chains. The light chains are the Essential Light Chains (ELC) and Regulatory Light Chains (RLC). Overall activity and polymerization can be modulated by phosphorylation on the light chains and the C terminus of the heavy chains respectively. This antibody, directed against myosin can be used for detection of myosin in frozen sections as well as in cultured cells. Applicable in paraffin sections only with microwave oven pretreatment. Also works in immunoblotting.


编号           产品名称

PR-1016     Myosin Antibody





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